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Neovit D3 (Alfacalcidol BP) capsules can be used to treat a variety of conditions related to weak bones and calcium levels. It is often used to treat renal osteodystrophy, a condition caused by kidney failure, which can result in weakening of the bones. Other conditions, such as osteomalacia and rickets are treated with this medicine. Another use for this medicine is restoring healthy calcium levels in patients with insufficient levels of this mineral.

This medicine’s active ingredient is a form of vitamin D, which helps to properly control calcium and phosphate levels in the body. This is important for maintaining healthy bones. Patients suffering from a reduced kidney function may lack sufficient quantities of calcitorl, which is needed for the body to control calcium levels. This can result in bone disorders. However, treatment with this medicine may help to prevent and treat these disorders.

Dosage and Administration

Neovit D3 (Alfacalcidol BP) comes as capsules, which are swallowed whole with a full glass of water. Your doctor will tell you how much to take, and how often to take it. Dosage may vary, depending on your blood calcium levels. In most cases, adults are told to take it once per day. During the course of treatment, blood tests will be required by your doctor, possibly as often as once per week. If you feel unwell, it is important to inform your doctor, as this could be indicative of excessively high calcium levels.

Side effects

Even though Neovit D3 (Alfacalcidol BP) is a form of vitamin D, side effects may occur. You are advised to tell your doctor about any symptoms of an adverse reaction that you notice. Some examples are listed here:

  • Itching
  • Nephrocalcinosis
  • Strange taste in the mouth
  • Hypercalcaemia (high calcium levels)
  • Hpyerphosphataemia (high blood phosphate levels)

When you visit your doctor, it is important to tell him or her if any side effects occur, especially signs of high calcium levels. Urinating more frequently than you normally would, thirst, muscle pain, weakness, headaches and vomiting are all symptoms of high blood calcium levels.


Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms to watch for, which may be indicative of a reaction, include skin rashes, hives, swelling of the face or limbs, trouble breathing, and trouble swallowing.

Always use Neovit D3 (Alfacalcidol BP) as you have been prescribed by your doctor. Never self-medicate or change your dosage without first consulting your doctor. The correct dosage can vary depending on your health, medical history, and the severity of the condition being treated.

This medication may not be safe for all patients. Before you begin using it always disclose the following to your doctor:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you suffer from any allergies.
  • If you suffer from any other health conditions or illnesses.
  • If you are using any other medicine (including all non-prescription).
  • If you are using any supplements, vitamins, or herbal products of any kind.

Neovit D3 (Alfacalcidol BP) capsules can be used to treat a variety of conditions related to weak bones and calcium levels. It is often used to treat renal osteodystrophy, a condition caused by kidney failure, which can result in weakening of the bones. Other conditions, such as osteomalacia and rickets are treated with this medicine. Another use for this medicine is restoring healthy calcium levels in patients with insufficient levels of this mineral.